You Are Just a Few Steps Away From Making Your Email List a Money Making Machine


Finally Know That Your List is Full of Actual Customers and Generate Revenue Along The Way!

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Live Workshop Starts In

Date: Saturday, Dec 16th

Time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST

Tickets Start at Only $47

Do You Even Funnel?

Cause if you don't, you should and here's why!

For some time now, teacher business owners have been blasted with the importance of having an email list, especially if you started your business on a third party platform that YOU DON'T OWN and DON'T HAVE ACCESS to your buyers' information. And having an email list isn't a new concept for most digital marketers. It's just best practice...a necessity if you will.

Your email list is how you convert cold leads into loyal customers. But the question is, HOW do you convert those subscribers who haven't bought anything from you into those loyal customers? This is why you need an EMAIL MARKETING funnel.

And unfortunately, many teacher business owners are doing this ALL WRONG. In fact, this probably isn't your first time hearing about sales or marketing funnels. And, an EMAIL MARKETING funnel is similar. But with an EMAIL MARKETING funnel you are using the funnel to BUILD YOUR IDEAL LIST with crazy hot and loyal subscribers.

An EMAIL MARKETING funnel is how you build your list with the RIGHT people. It takes your subscribers from becoming aware of your brand, testing their readiness to buy, learning why you are the expert, segmenting them to serve them better, making a purchase, and then becoming raving fans of your brand.

An EMAIL MARKETING funnel helps to ensure that you build a healthy and profitable email list. You don't just collect emails like ingredients for a "trash cake" and throw them into the mixing bowl. You carefully curate them, ensuring that each one is going to be the best addition to the recipe. And when you carefully curate your email list, you end up with a hot, ready to buy group of loyal customers.

Basically, an email marketing funnel helps to ensure that you don't build your list with a bunch of FREEBIE SEEKERS who are never going to buy from you. With a curated list, you can know what their needs are and create the right email content for them at the right time.


Many teacher business owners create a lead magnet, throw it on a page with form, and then just send a few emails to welcome new subscribers to your list. The problem is, you threw them into to the mixing bowl before making sure they were the right ingredient for your cake.

When someone finds your lead magnet, they had a problem and hopefully your lead magnet solved that problem. If your lead magnet solved their problem then you have them right where you want them...ready to get more solutions from you. BUT...go too fast and you scare them off...go too slow they forget about you. It's a very delicate dance. And if your lead magnet didn't solve their problem, they are on your list with a bad taste in their mouth and could effect your overall deliverability and health of your main list. They may stick around for the FREEBIES you send out, but buy? Probably not.

Let me show you how to dance!

When I first developed my Opt-in To Offer™ Roadmap, I had a list of over 25K subscribers but the open rates and click through rates were less than desirable. After cleaning up my list of cold subscribers and implementing the O2O™ Roadmap, my list is now back and better than ever! With 70% open rates and 3-4% click through rates I now have a highly curated list of valid emails and raving loyal customers.

This isn't your average workshop...

Start 2024 With a Profitable Email Funnel

that generates money while building your list with your ideal customers

You know you need a curated email list. You may have even built a sizable list but you just can't seem to get it to generate sales. Many will tell you the bigger the list the better. But what if I told you...


In fact, playing the "numbers game" where you grow your list as big as you can hoping that a fraction of your list will buy from you is old school marketing. And I get it! I spent several years building my list this way.

Until I Discovered a Better Way that Actually Works!

You can have a profitable list of your ideal customers that will actually buy from you when you send an email. However, you need to make sure you are building that list with the right people from the beginning. And I am ready to show you step by step how to do it too!

Date: Saturday, Dec 16

Time: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST

Tickets Start at Only $47

Tickets Start at Only $47

In this workshop we will...

  • Plan your list-building and $$$ generating funnel.

  • Curate the best offers for your $$$ generating funnel.

  • Choose the best lead magnet for your offer to build your list with the right people.

  • Craft your HIGH-CONVERTING landing page for your opt-in

  • Write the emails that will create a list of HOT ready-to-buy customers.

Here's what we will cover in the O2O™ Workshop!

These Could Be Your Results...

  • Step One: Plan Your Funnel - We will map out the customer journey using my Opt-in to Offer™ Roadmap.

  • Step Two: Crafting Your Offer - Together we will work backwards through the funnel plan to ensure that you are choosing the right offer for building your list with actual buyers.

  • Step Three: Leverage Your Lead Magnet - Choosing the right lead magnet is critical in building your list. We will walk through this step together to make sure your lead magnet is golden.

  • Step Four: Landing Page Gold - You have the lead magnet, you have the offer, but how do you convince them to give you their email? You will get to see me build out a landing page with must have components to convert those potential leads.

  • Step Five: The Emails - You can't just get a lead then welcome them to the family. You need to warm them up...onboard them if you will...before letting them into the kitchen with you. We will go over the phases that you should put a new lead through and I will give you the swipe copy to help you craft these emails.


Upgrade your ticket at checkout to VIP and get my eyes and feedback on every step of your funnel. Come to the workshop and then schedule a 30 minute Zoom call where we will walk through each step of your funnel and I will give you feedback and coaching on your offer, landing page, or emails. You will also get access to the replay of the LIVE workshop for 60 days so you can reference the training for multiple funnels. After the workshop, there will also be a LIVE Q&A for VIP TICKET HOLDERS.


UPGRADE YOUR TICKET NOW and be entered to win your money back and have Farrah build out YOUR FUNNEL LIVE in the workshop!

One lucky VIP TICKET HOLDER will be chosen at random on Friday, December 15th at 7 p.m. to have their funnel built by Farrah LIVE during the workshop and get their VIP UPGRADE refunded after the workshop. Winner must be in attendance during the workshop.

Secure Your Ticket & Start 2024 With a Revenue Generating Funnel and List-Builder

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BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: All products and services offered by Farrah Henley Education, LLC & Teacher Business Society™ are intended to provide prospective purchasers with general public relations, business strategies, marketing methods, and other general advice for business development and training. At no point is Farrah Henley Education, LLC or Teacher Business Society™ soliciting anyone to enter into a new business nor is it representing, either expressly or by implication, that it will provide locations for a business, provide outlets, accounts, or customers, or purchase any of the goods or services made by the purchaser.

The products being offered through this promotion are packages of informational tools to help you learn about marketing strategies.