ALIGNED MASTERMIND™ - The 2024 Era Applications are OPEN!!!

Unlock Unstoppable Growth and Take Control While Creating a Thriving and Sustainable Teacher Business

Take charge of your business, make strategic decisions, and FINALLY operate from a place of confidence regardless of the economy, teacher shortages and those dreaded algorithms!


Taking your business to the next level requires that you take yourself to the next level! You can't do that ALL ALONE!


A mastermind can help you take your business to the next level through:

  • Peer Accountability: Mastermind groups often consist of individuals who are at similar or higher levels of skill or achievement. This provides a form of accountability that is more peer-based rather than top-down (as in a traditional course).

  • Networking: Such groups are often carefully curated to include people who can bring different strengths or connections to the table.

  • Collaborative Learning: Instead of a one-way flow of information from teacher to student, mastermind groups involve a mutual exchange of ideas and experiences, which can result in a richer learning environment.

  • Tailored Feedback: Mastermind groups allow for more personalized feedback from peers who understand your unique challenges and can offer targeted advice.

  • Real-time Problem Solving: Questions or challenges can be addressed in real-time, leveraging the collective intelligence of the group.

  • Long-term Relationships: Many mastermind groups meet regularly over an extended period, allowing for deep relationships to form, which can be beneficial both personally and professionally.

  • Multiple Perspectives: A mastermind group will usually consist of people from different backgrounds, offering multiple perspectives on the same issue, something a single instructor may not be able to provide.

  • Emotional Support: Facing challenges is easier when you know you’re not alone. The emotional and psychological support from a trusted group can be invaluable.

But can't I just form a mastermind with my friends?

Sure a free peer/friend mastermind is an option...but here's why a professional mastermind might be a better choice:

  • Expert Facilitation: A paid group is often led by an expert or coach who can guide discussions, provide actionable advice, and create a structured environment that maximizes the value you get from each meeting.

  • Commitment Level: People are often more committed when they invest monetarily in something. The financial investment can lead to a higher level of engagement and accountability among members.

  • Curated Membership: Paid masterminds usually have an application or selection process, ensuring that members are at a similar level of expertise or achievement. This can lead to more meaningful conversations and connections.

  • Quality of Content: The presence of a professional facilitator or leader usually guarantees a higher quality of discussion topics, guest speakers, and educational content (that your invest help provide).

  • Structured Agenda: Professional masterminds often have a well-thought-out agenda that includes regular check-ins, goal setting sessions, and follow-ups, which can be more effective for your personal and professional development.

  • Time Efficiency: Since a paid mastermind is designed to offer value, meetings are often more focused and productive, saving you time in the long run.

  • Networking Opportunities: The kind of people who are willing to invest in a paid mastermind are often more serious about their careers and may offer better networking opportunities.

  • Peer/Friend Masterminds Often Fizzle Out: or become happy hour catch up sessions. These are great and I believe everyone can benefit from the. But they don't tend to provide the level of business coaching that you truly need to take your business to the next level.

1-on-1 and Group Coaching, Mentorship, & Expert Advice

You and I will work together to figure out your unique goals and obstacles in our 1:1 kickoff call then meet monthly to make sure you are on track. You will also get expert advice from leading industry experts each month from my network of experts who will join us for training calls. Then, you will also have two opportunities to jump in the hot seat and allow the mastermind to help you with a struggle or decision you are facing in your business. Last but not least, you will have the opportunity to stay connected between calls in our private space so that you can get help and help others.

  • 1-on-1 Kickoff Call (about an hour) to create a game plan for your business

  • Monthly one-on-one check-ins with me to check in on your progress

  • 4 Meetings each month (2 training call, 2 Hot Seat Calls)

  • Training from me and other leading experts on topics relevant to running a teacher business

  • Hot-Seat calls are your opportunity to ask the group for help regarding specific obstacles in your business.

  • Private Group Community to stay connected with me and other mastermind members.

The truth is...



The economy, the state of education, teacher shortages, algorithms, and the list goes on and on. It can be easy to sit back and blame the lack of growth or success in our businesses on outside factors. While these things can have an effect THEY DO NOT DETERMINE THE OUTCOME! So, if you can't control what you can't control then YOU NEED TO CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN! But where do you start? What can you control? What should you focus on? Often we can't see the forest for the trees and we need help figuring out the best way to PIVOT or just get the needle moving!



If you don't put SIMPLE into your business model you will find that you are treading water and barely keeping up! By balancing your excitement with clean plans, systems, and processes, you can make sure your business is the vision you see now and in the future!



Listen...I get it! You have a TO-DO list a mile long! But handing over tasks from that TO-DO list isn't going to reduce your workload. You will have to plan, train, and continue to monitor each task and often spend a load of money in the process. Finding the RIGHT people to take responsibility for getting results in the most important parts of your business is how you scale and grow while getting off the hustle wheel.



You will never find a magic, one-size-fits-all pill for success in your teacher business. The same on your own course that got you where you are won't get you where you want to be. Are you just trying to make a quick-buck or build a lasting revenue generating machine that improves not only your life but those of others?



You will not do it all alone! There aren't enough hours in the day. You can't clone yourself. You have only one perspective and can only see your business from one angle. It takes finding the right people to help you see holes in your business and opportunities that have been left untapped! The saying, "Two heads are better than one" is true! A group of brilliant minds provides you with different experiences and accountability that help you make decisions to propel your business forward.



A goal is nothing more than a wish. If you want your goals to become reality, you must have an action plan in place to help you get to where you want to be. Goals...Plan...ACTION!



Take it from a serial course collector. Courses are great! They teach you skills. But skill will only help you so much. Eventually you have to figure out how to leverage those skills in your business and develop strategies in your business that make those skills valuable. If you have taken the course, know the new skill, but are still struggling, it's highly probably you haven't leveraged those skills within strategies that actually benefit your business.

You can't see everything...and if you can't see it you can't fix it!

You have to learn to lean on coaches, mentors, fellow teacher business owners, and your community to help you see where you are making mistakes, missing opportunities, or even killing it and need to do more of the same. This is how you will discover exactly what you need to do to move the needle and make progress in your business.

A 6-month 1:1 and group mastermind program for established teacher business owners who are ready to take the next steps to grow their teacher business to a six or seven-figure business without more stress, worry, and hours on the hustle hamster wheel (your computer)!


ALIGNED is a small-group mastermind program for beginning to mid-level business owners who want to build their six-figure teacher business without sacrificing their health, relationships, and family time through expert coaching and the support from their community of fellow teacher business owners.



We believe that the more expert minds the merrier! We all have something to learn and share with others!


We believe that EVERYONE has the right to achieve their dreams and we use our company to help where and when we can.


This is a non-negotiable! You are your word...we live this out in all our actions and decisions!


We grow the most when we are uncomfortable and sometimes we need to hear the hard truths in order to achieve our goals.


  • Be present at each scheduled call and be ready to put forth effort to do the work at hand.

  • Give as much as you take! A mastermind is only as strong as its members. You should be ready to share!

  • Do the homework between sessions and check in along the way if you need more to work on.

  • Be open-minded and open to hard to hear truths. Lead with kindness but no-sugar coating here!

  • Maintain your enthusiasm to work with the group as we all work to achieve our goals.

  • Respect the confidentiality of others and maintain a safe space for true business collaboration.


  • Be a partner in bringing out your best and truest self.

  • Provide a safe and encouraging environment where you can relax and talk openly and honestly.

  • Respect confidentiality of you and your business and details you may share about both.

  • Open your mind of what is possible and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone.

  • Give you "non-sugarcoated" input and feedback and be a sounding board for frustrations.

  • Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase awareness.

  • Be an on-going resource for you in achieving your goals through our communication between calls.

  • Provide training on topics that are timely and relevant to the changing atmosphere of online teacher businesses.

If, after reading all that, you find yourself shouting "HELL YES!" then ALIGNED is for you. Just smash that button below and apply now!

Here is what you get with ALIGNED that you won't get with other teacher business coaching programs...

1-on-1 and Group Coaching, Mentorship, & Expert Advice

You and I will work together to figure out your unique goals and obstacles in our 1:1 kickoff call then meet monthly to make sure you are on track . You will also get expert advice from leading industry experts each month from my network of experts who will join us for training calls. Then, you will also have two opportunities to jump in the hot seat and allow the mastermind to help you with a struggle or decision you are facing in your business. Last but not least, you will have the opportunity to stay connected between calls in our private space so that you can get help and help others.

  • 1-on-1 Kickoff Call (about an hour) to create a game plan for your business

  • Monthly one-on-one check-ins with me to check in on your progress

  • 4 Meetings each month (2 training call, 2 Hot Seat Calls)

  • Training from me and other leading experts on topics relevant to running a teacher business

  • Hot-Seat calls are your opportunity to ask the group for help regarding specific obstacles in your business.

  • Private Group Community to stay connected with me and other mastermind members.

So is this a good fit for you?


You don't yet have a stable and repeatable process in place to attract new customers every single are relying on search algorithms and other uncontrollable things while hoping for the best!

You believe you can do it...others are...why not you! Even if it seems far away, you know you have what it takes to be just as successful as others in your niche. You just haven't found your secret sauce!

You have an established teacher business that is bringing in $2500 or more a month but you have hit a plateau and you aren't sure how to grow and scale without working yourself to death!

You take FULL responsibility for your success and you are not afraid to take action and do what it takes, knowing that you've got an action plan and a group of fellow teacher business owners to hold you accountable.

You know you need to do more and be more strategic in your business but you just aren't sure where to start!

As I look back on the beginnings of my business journey, I remember thinking that if I could just make enough to buy REAL Crayola™ crayons for my classroom then I would be successful. Then the dream turned into crayons and my Sonic drink every morning. But since May 2018, what has happened in this little side hustle turned educational company has allowed me to achieve so much more!

From 50$ a month to multiple five-figure months and then a million dollar company, I learned valuable lessons that I wish I could go back and share with myself in the beginning.

And that's what I want to do for you! I want to be that ace in the hole, little voice over your shoulder, tool in your toolbelt that will help you reach your goals and avoid all the mistakes I made along my journey.

I don't regurgitate the same ole rhetoric you hear in teacher business Facebook groups. In fact, I have spent countless hours in those groups shaking my head at some of the advice given.

And if, like me, you are tired of trying all the tricks and not seeing any real growth...then it's high time you and I had a chat.

Let me be your guide to finally building the business you want. Together we can make it happen!


You don't have an established online teacher business with proven offers that are bringing in at least $3000-$5000 a month. Some members will be at the $3K mark and other may be bringing in $10K or more. The challenges you face are different at every level of your business and we will focus on what is needed RIGHT NOW in your business...not what you needed yesterday!

You aren't driven and passionate about growing and scaling your business. If you just want to skate by and work as little as possible...this might not be for you. Not everyone wants to have a course, membership and that's fine. If you want to increase your revenue and grow your business I can help...but I can't do it for you or make you WANT IT!

You are too busy to contribute to the group and help others. ALIGNED is all about community and you have to be ready to give as much as you take. If you don't have time to pour into others that are pouring into you, you won't get the most out of this program that you can.

You want results to just...well... happen! If you aren't an action-taker and willing to get your hands dirty, try, fail, get-up, try again, then this probably isn't for you. Some actions may feel uncomfortable...but that is usually where we see the biggest growth. There is no magic pill.

You want to spend your time blaming algorithms and other outside factors for the lack of growth or success in your business. In ALIGNED we focus on the things we can control and are constantly looking for new ways to overcome obstacles. We don't waste our time griping about things we can't control.

You feel like you have all the answers, or EXCUSES for why it won't work for your business! You can only build the business of your dreams if you remain willing to try something new. If you're not coachable or open-minded suggestions, if when they feel uncomfortable, ALIGNED will be a wasted investment.

You are just curious to see how you compare to others. It can be tempting to join a mastermind so you can compare where you are to others...ALIGNED isn't for you! We are a safe space for open discussion and honesty about our businesses and we want to see each other succeed. We aren't here to compare and sit comfortably in our position...we are here to push each other and we celebrate each other's successes EVEN when we are struggling!


How much time to I get with Farrah?

Well...the short answer is A LOT! The time we spend together is only as valuable as you make it! If you come to our calls prepared and ready to take action on the advice and guidance I provide (and the group gives) you will can make great strides in your business. We will start with a 1:1 60-min kick-off strategy call so we can clearly define your goals to get the business you want. Then we will create an action plan for you to hack away at to move the needle towards more profit and less hustle in your business. Then, weekly we will work together inside our group calls to help gain clarity on challenges that come up or things you need to get "unstuck" on. You will also have 1 30-min check-in 1-on-1 with me each month so we can see if there needs to be a PIVOT or just check in on your progress. Then, there is the private channel where the community and myself will collaborate and provide guidance between calls. Inside the channel, you can get timely help on things you are actively working on in your business.

Is ALIGNED too advanced for me?

Definitely not! When I joined my first mastermind I had grown to a point that I wasn't sure there was anywhere else to go! But the mastermind I joined helped me to see the missed opportunities inside my business and then create a plan to unlock unrealized revenue potential.

Why 6-months? Why not 3 or a monthly program?

I have been in all levels of coaching and masterminds. I have also been providing one-on-one coaching for a while now and what I have found six months is a great middle ground to get results. I also know that life is crazy and things happen so 6 months gives lots of flexibility.

Can I continue after my 6-months is up?

HECK YES! In fact, many of my coaching clients have continued for multiple rounds because once one hurdle is overcome another rears its head. More revenue means more obstacles and that's what we are here help you continue to grow and scale and build the business of your dreams.

Who is in ALIGNED and how big is the group?

We take confidentiality very serious! We can tell you that there are driven, saavy, successful, and collaborative teacher business owners inside who, LIKE YOU, want to have the business of their dreams while also building the life that goes with it! We cap the mastermind size at 10 to make sure that each member gets individualized attention and support!

What happens if there is an unexpected emergency and I can't work on my business?

We know all too well how life can grab us by the horns and throw us to the mat. If an unforeseen emergency like sickness, injury, death, or mental health crisis arises, and you will be taking a true break from your business, we will pause your ALIGNED program fees until you are ready to return. When you return, it will be based on availability and remaining time you have left in your six months. We believe that family/personal health take priority so we will be happy to work with you if such needs come up.

What experts are doing training?

First there is me. I will be doing training calls on topics that are based on the needs of the group. Next, you will get unique access to experts from my little black book on topics such as marketing, hiring, team leadership, memberships, building community for your audiences, social media, courses, business mindset, and more!

What is the investment for the Aligned Mastermind™

We’ll go over the investment options once we’ve met on a call and we decide that Aligned is a right fit for you. Because I take confidentiality seriously, I don't want anyone who is in the mastermind to have what they are investing in their business put out there for the world to know.

Is this a TPT focused mastermind only?

HECK NO! This is a BUSINESS MASTERMIND! Some members will have TPT shops, Etsy Shops, sell on their own website, have courses, memberships or other business models. But rest assured that the coaching is valuable regardless of your business model. AND...each month you have two opportunities to focus the hive's attention on YOUR business and YOUR needs...along with your monthly 1:1 call with Farrah.