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Grab My Blueprint created my Own Profitable email List

Ditch the freebie seekers and finally know that your list is full of viable leads. Get started with my ultimate guide for building and growing your e-mail list with YOUR ideal customers!

I agree to terms & conditions provided by Farrah Henley Education, LLC (Farrah Henley Coaching and The Teacher Business Society). By providing my email and phone number, I agree to receive emails and text messages from the business.

Farrah has been a literal Godsend! I’m speaking from the perspective of someone that has a difficult time staying focused. After getting to know the business side of me and what I wanted out of my business, she continued to ask the questions I don’t ask myself. The HOWs, the WHATs, and most importantly the WHENs of what was happening in my business. Time is the most important thing we have in our business.

As my coach, Farrah always listens when I ramble and then dissects what I say. I truly think this is what makes her so amazing at what she does. One minor thought that I may have, she turns it into a reason I believe I can actually do something. January and February are historically my best months.


She challenged me during back to school to make a certain amount during the boost sale. Without her help, I would have NEVER reached that goal during a month when I normally don’t make as much.

If you are considering a coach, I want to tell you she’s not for you so I can keep her for myself. (Kidding!) Honestly, if you’re ready to take what you’ve put in place for years and try new things, she may be the person for you.

Keri Brown - CEO/Enchanted Kindergarten

Why Should You Get A Coach?

Running your own business can feel like you're constantly pulled in multiple directions. It can be tough to know if you're taking the right steps to reach your goals. Doing this alone can feel isolating but you can get the support you need from a business coach. If your business is facing challenges or you are just ready to scale what you're currently doing, a business coach can support you and your goals and help provide you with strategies and insight to achieve those goals. Still not sure? Here are 10 reasons you need a business coach!

A business coach will help you see your potential in order to use your talents and abilities in the best ways, but they also hold you accountable. No matter what the task, we always achieve more when we have to answer to someone! When you get sidetracked, a good coach will make sure you follow through on what you said you would do and motivate you along the way. They hold you accountable and help track your progress.

A business coach will help you see your potential in order to use your talents and abilities in the best ways, but they also hold you accountable. No matter what the task, we always achieve more when we have to answer to someone! When you get sidetracked, a good coach will make sure you follow through on what you said you would do and motivate you along the way. They hold you accountable and help track your progress.

Your coach will help you set and achieve your goals. They will help you each step of the way to define what you want and help you create a plan to get there. Not only do they help you make sure you goals are smart and realistic, they also help you come up with a plan to get there. They can help you evaluate your work life balance, prioritize your tasks, and help with time management. They work with you to make sure you are reaching more of your goals in both business and life.

Your coach will help you set and achieve your goals. They will help you each step of the way to define what you want and help you create a plan to get there. Not only do they help you make sure you goals are smart and realistic, they also help you come up with a plan to get there. They can help you evaluate your work life balance, prioritize your tasks, and help with time management. They work with you to make sure you are reaching more of your goals in both business and life.

When you are running a business, it's easy to become overwhelmed by ALL THE THINGS. A business coach can help you get organization and systems in place that will help you run your business like a well-oiled machine. Effective time-management along with tips and strategies that fit your work style and personality are just a few things that a business coach can help you with!

When you are running a business, it's easy to become overwhelmed by ALL THE THINGS. A business coach can help you get organization and systems in place that will help you run your business like a well-oiled machine. Effective time-management along with tips and strategies that fit your work style and personality are just a few things that a business coach can help you with!

You can not do it all! When your business is ready, a coach can help you know what you need to hire out and help you build the systems and processes that help you find the right person(s) for the tasks. You should be operating as the CEO in your business and knowing that you are spending your time and energy on the revenue generating task vs the "have to get done" day to day task is key! A business coach can help you see where you should be spending your time and then help you build and lead your team so you can grow and scale your business while living the life that you started your business for in the first place. And if building a team isn't on your radar, a coach can help you streamline with systems and processes that help you work-less.

You can not do it all! When your business is ready, a coach can help you know what you need to hire out and help you build the systems and processes that help you find the right person(s) for the tasks. You should be operating as the CEO in your business and knowing that you are spending your time and energy on the revenue generating task vs the "have to get done" day to day task is key! A business coach can help you see where you should be spending your time and then help you build and lead your team so you can grow and scale your business while living the life that you started your business for in the first place. And if building a team isn't on your radar, a coach can help you streamline with systems and processes that help you work-less.

Perhaps you don't have time to make a marketing plan or you aren't even sure where to start! A business coach can help you create a personalized marketing strategy that will help you bring in new ideal leads and build effective customer relationships!

Perhaps you don't have time to make a marketing plan or you aren't even sure where to start! A business coach can help you create a personalized marketing strategy that will help you bring in new ideal leads and build effective customer relationships!

A business coach will give you unbiased constructive criticism. Co-workers, friends, and even potential competitors may be biased in their opinions. However, a business coach will offer you insights that are free from bias and from a perspective that others in your circle may not be able to give. A business coach helps you see potential issues, or untapped successes, that often family, friends, or other entrepreneurs in your niche overlook (or won't share)!

A business coach will give you unbiased constructive criticism. Co-workers, friends, and even potential competitors may be biased in their opinions. However, a business coach will offer you insights that are free from bias and from a perspective that others in your circle may not be able to give. A business coach helps you see potential issues, or untapped successes, that often family, friends, or other entrepreneurs in your niche overlook (or won't share)!

You see others around you achieving success...why aren't you? This is so common as a teacher business owner. A business coach will help you see how far you have come and give you support and encouragement! You will learn to lead with confidence and challenges will be speed bumps instead of mountains. They also remind you to celebrate your wins! Every win is worthy of being celebrated!

You see others around you achieving success...why aren't you? This is so common as a teacher business owner. A business coach will help you see how far you have come and give you support and encouragement! You will learn to lead with confidence and challenges will be speed bumps instead of mountains. They also remind you to celebrate your wins! Every win is worthy of being celebrated!

As solopreneurs, or even if you have a team, it can be easy to overlook the obvious when you are so busy running your business. A fresh perspective from a business coach can help you identify problems and solutions you hadn't even thought of. They help you get focused, see the blind-spots, and move forward so you are performing as the CEO in your business.

As solopreneurs, or even if you have a team, it can be easy to overlook the obvious when you are so busy running your business. A fresh perspective from a business coach can help you identify problems and solutions you hadn't even thought of. They help you get focused, see the blind-spots, and move forward so you are performing as the CEO in your business.

Maybe your revenue has become stagnant or your email list hasn't grown or doesn't contain quality leads. A business coach can assist you in creating a strategic plan that will help you determine the best way to generate ideal leads that result in actual growth of your revenue.

Maybe your revenue has become stagnant or your email list hasn't grown or doesn't contain quality leads. A business coach can assist you in creating a strategic plan that will help you determine the best way to generate ideal leads that result in actual growth of your revenue.

A good business coach will help you learn how to balance your role as CEO with your personal life. It can be easy to fall into habits of spending all your time and energy on your business. But this can actually hurt your business growth. Your coach will encourage you to take breaks in order to keep your mind sharp and your attitude positive so your business can grow and scale to reach your goals.

A good business coach will help you learn how to balance your role as CEO with your personal life. It can be easy to fall into habits of spending all your time and energy on your business. But this can actually hurt your business growth. Your coach will encourage you to take breaks in order to keep your mind sharp and your attitude positive so your business can grow and scale to reach your goals.

I struggled for 7 years barely generating $20K total in my teacher business...and then...

I hired a coach and figured out the missing pieces of the puzzle, the reason all of my long nights and hard work were not working, and now I am on a mission to help other teacher business owners just like you!

I was able to grow my business and generate over six figures in just two months and NOW we are a million dollar educational company with multiple revenue streams including a successful course and membership for teachers, consistent high five-figure months are the norm, and I have built a team of 15+ that allows me to be the CEO of a high six-figure a year business so I can focus on the business and life of my dreams!

Many Teacher Business Owners Believe...

...more products means more sales.


More products can actually overwhelm your audience if not done correctly. Also, more products doesn't always mean more sales...if they aren't the RIGHT products.

...TPT search rank is the most important task to spend time on because it will make the biggest difference.


Oh the dreaded TPT algorithm...we all wish we knew how it worked. Some will even tell you they have it figured out...but the reality is, you can do everything right and still end up on page 15! Don't fall prey to the algorithm! Take control of your visibility!

...I am a small fish and don't have a large social following so I can't be successful.


There is no such thing as a small are an expert in your area and you just need to find your people and solve their problem.

...I have to have a course or membership to reach my goals.


While a course/membership can be a great addition to your portfolio, it's not the MAGIC PILL people think it is. And if done wrong, it can be more headache than help. A coach will help you decide if this is right for your business.

...I have to have a team of people in order to actually be successful.


There are plenty of ways to build a successful and thriving teacher business without a team. A team may not be the right move for you and your business. Based on your goals a team can help, but it isn't the be all end all of a successful business.

...I have to be a million dollar business to be successful.


Look, no one would turn down a business that brings in 7-figures a year. But with a 7-figure business comes 7-figure business issues. Your dream business may be 6-figures or even just enough to supplement your teacher retirement. Success is subjective and with a coach you can build YOUR successful business.


Get clear on what YOU want in your business and who you serve! You want to make sure that you have a solid foundation for your business. With a strong foundation, YOU are in control!


Discover what you should be working on and avoid the shiny objects that keep you running in circles. When you focus on what actually moves the needle in your business you get results.


Understanding what the next steps are when growing and scaling your business is critical for success. Knowing the overall destination will help make clear decisions throughout the journey.

Your Personalized Success Path

Schedule a FREE Consultation to determine if we are good fit for each other and coaching!

Pick Your Coaching Package then schedule your kickoff call and get clear on your 12-week action plan.

Get busy working towards having the business you desire with support and accountability along the way!

Being a business owner can be lonely and you may feel like you are all alone in your journey. But it doesn't have to be this way! Often, having someone who is in your corner when you are feeling overwhelmed can help you gain clarity and focus through mindset and business strategies.

With coaching, you begin to understand what is holding you back why you haven't had that BIG BREAKTHROUGH you are waiting for in your business. As your coach, I will become your partner and we will set goals to get your business moving in the right direction through actionable steps and systems.

We will create a customized plan of attack and each week you will have "homework" based on the goals we have set. We will then review the progress you are making towards your goals.

It can seem like "all the success is taken" but trust me...there is still room in the ocean! I am a firm believer that no one reaches the top alone. I myself have a business coach because I know that having someone hold me accountable for my own goals and helping me overcome my own mindset hurdles is important.

In our coaching sessions you will receive support, encouragement and accountability in a private and secure atmosphere where we can work to overcome challenges you are facing as a business owner and transform your business to have the life you want!


  • Be present at each scheduled call and be ready to put forth effort to do the work at hand.

  • Only reschedule sessions when absolutely necessary. This is part of the accountability process.

  • Do the homework between sessions and check in along the way if you need more to work on.

  • Be open-minded to changes in goals we have set as it becomes necessary.

  • Maintain an open mindset and enthusiasm to work with me as your coach to achieve your goals.


  • Be a partner in bringing out your best and truest self.

  • Provide a safe and encouraging environment where you can relax and talk openly and honestly.

  • Respect confidentiality of you and your business and details you may share about both.

  • Open your mind of what is possible and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone.

  • Give you "non-sugarcoated" input and feedback and be a sounding board for frustrations.

  • Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase awareness.

  • Be an on-going resource for you in achieving your goals through our communication between calls.


Everything you need to grow and scale your teacher business with a non-sugarcoated twist

Are you ready to dive into growing and scaling your teacher business and focus on what really matters?

Join Farrah Henley, a 7-figure teacher business CEO as she delivers a non-sugarcoated, real, raw, and honest viewpoint to help you build the teacher business you desire.


My journey from teacher to Educational CEO

As I look back on the beginnings of my business journey, I remember thinking that if I could just make enough to buy REAL Crayola™ crayons for my classroom then I would be successful. Then the dream turned in to crayons and my Sonic drink every morning. But since May 2018, what has happened in this little side hustle turned educational company has allowed me to achieve so much more!

Grab my Funnel Guide